Sunday, October 15, 2006

MNAC-Performing the Body - Oct 2006

coregrafie si interpretare: Mihaela Dancs, muzica: Arcade Fire

Ce poate corpul meu sa faca?
Coregrafia si interpretarea Ionut Stana, student UNATC, Facultatea de Teatru

Scurta absenta intr-un prezent imaginar
Coregrafie si interpretare: Dana Balint, Studenta UNATC - Sectia Coregrafie
Muzica: Spargatorul de nuci - P.I. Ceaikovski

Salata I.D.

Coregrafie si interpretare: Iuliana Stoianescu - studenta sectia Coregrafie in cadrul UNATC - I.L.Caragiale

Monday, September 11, 2006

Memories of Rome


Just like people, statues seem to have a personality that transcends stone or the material they are made of. They certainly lent traits of the sculpturer, they certainly are influenced by the environment they were put in, they seem to evolve depending on the way they were cared of by the owner... and they transmit further a certain vibe.

Sunday, September 03, 2006

Portraits of Melanie and Nicolas

Friday, July 28, 2006

The first with Canon 350d

Pe o strada, intr-o seara, langa un santier apare un gard frumos colorat - cred ca era gardul scolii dar dadea bine in tot praful dimprejur.

E prima poza facuta cu noul meu aparat, pe strada. La Universitate, iesirea de la metrou dinspre TNB, trei baieti fotografiau si filmau persoanele care urcau pe scara rulanta si ajungeau sa calce pe "covorul pictat". Fotografiau reactii, uimire, atentie, indiferenta. Ma intreb cum am reactionat eu-cred ca am fost surprinsa putin si grijulie sa nu distrug ceva.

Radu mi-a facut poza asta. Testam aparatul/obiectivul iar eu eram ganditoare ca am acceptat sa cumpar aparatul de la cineva care nu era pasionat de foto :-)

Eu, bineinteles-din seria eu in oglinda.

Saturday, March 04, 2006

People and their emotions

Landscapes afar

Tuesday, February 28, 2006

Ascending Architecture

Flowers in my mind

This picture was taken some years ago, at a beautiful "street market" in Marseille, France. I discovered anemones with their delicacy and amazing colors and I couldn't stop myself not to buy a seed that turned out into a beautiful purple flower, as I wished and prayed the whole time until it bloomed.

Among others few, sunflowers are my favorites. When I was a little child, smiling all the time, enjoying everything new around me, the Sun and all the new faces I was discovering around, a Romanian peasant told me "you look like a sunflower". At that time, my mother, who recalled this memory, was very pleasently surprised when hearing that, but she didn't realised how those words related deeply to my inner nature. Even now I think that Sun gives me the strength and the joy of the day, it gives me the energy to go further and dream about the things I love most. I would love to follow the Sun if I could.

I haven't got a clue how I took this picture. I was in the garden, in Breaza (at the countryside), admiring the flowers that my mother loves so dearly, taking care about them and... don't laugh!!! talking to them. :-)) I think the picture has a certain unrealistic, dreamy feel, that makes it even more special for me.

Monday, February 27, 2006

Statues in Paris